BioMed Central Roadshow program – Sydney, Australia – Monday 23 February 2015
Making Open access work for you: publishing, peer-review and innovation
9:00 Registration
9:30 Welcome and overview, Caroline Black, Editorial Director, BioMed Central
9:50 Journal profile: Journal of Medical Case Reports, Michael Kidd, Editor-in-Chief JMCR, Flinders University
10:10 Parallel sessions
- How to write your paper and get published, Sabina Alam, Editor, BMC Medicine
- Open access in Australia today
Virginia Barbour, Australia Open Access Support Group, Medicine and Biology Editor, PLOS and COPE
Clive Morris, NHMRC
- BMC-series editors (closed session)
- BioMed Central independent journal editors (closed session)
11:10 Coffee break
11:40 Vision for the future of scientific publishing
An expert panel will share with the audience their views of how research dissemination will change, and whether the familiar research journal will be recognizable in the future.
Chair: Caroline Black, Editorial Director, BioMed Central
Panel: Sabina Alam, Editor, BMC Medicine
Andrea Melendez-Acosta, Associate Publisher, BioMed Central
Diana Marshall, Senior Managing Editor, BioMed Central
Kathryn Wilson, Associate Publisher, BioMed Central
Jack Nunn, Editorial Board (patient) Research Involvement and Engagement
12:40 Lunch
13:40 Open access – Has it made a difference? Phillipa Hay, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Eating Disorders & Associate Editor BMC Psychology, University of Western Sydney
14:00 Publication Ethics – who is responsible? Editor, publisher, author?
A session discussing the different types of publication ethics issues that can arise during the publication process, and with whom the responsibility lies to deal with these.
Stephanie Harriman, Research Integrity Group, BioMed Central
14:30 Keynote speaker – Why would people want to read and cite your papers? John Mattick AO FAA, Garvan Institute of Medical Research
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Open Access books and journals at Springer SBM, Thijs van Vlijmen, Senior Publishing Editor, Springer SBM
15:55 Journal profile: Clinical Proteomics, Mark Baker, Associate Editor Clinical Proteomics, Macquarie University
16:10 What’s new in peer review?
A panel session discussing how peer review is evolving and how it can develop to meet the needs of the research community.
Chair: Stephanie Harriman, Research Integrity Group, BioMed Central
Panel: Manuela Ferreira, Deputy Section Editor BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, The George Institute for Global Health
Phillipa Hay, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Eating Disorders & Associate Editor BMC Psychology, University of Western Sydney
Sabina Alam, Editor, BMC Medicine
16:55 Closing remarks
17:00 Drinks reception
*Please note this program is subject to change